Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Freshmen Got To Be Fresh, Right?

Being a freshmen is, what I could say, as different. Everyone in this high-school has their own styles, their own personality. Where in the middle school, everyone was kind-of the same. There are specific groups, and "cool" tables, "Nerd" tables, and "Freaks and Geeks" tables. So guess which one I sit at.... I sit at the "Freaks" table. Well, I'm not a freak... I guess, but the people around me are. So my classes go by really quickly, and the time fly's so much that it feels like we only had five minutes of class time. One of my best subjects are, English, Social Studies, and some of my extra classes, such as, Art. My worst class is math, i hate math, but this year I'm in the lowest class but the funny thing is i already learned all of the stuff my algebra teacher is teaching. So I answer every question, and fly right through the homework and the class work. Art is a different perspective, we get to listen to music while we are in class. This week there is a setup out in the hallway and we have to sketch in an angle that we choose and we can sketch it all or just one object. The art teacher told me that I was doing a great job and only needed to smooth a little of the lines out. As the day nears to an end, my morning coffee has worn off and I'm so tired. So I go home and relax while doing a little homework, then head back outside to hangout with my friends that I don't get to see in my classes. So that is what my freshmen first semester looks like.  Bye (: